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Curiousnaturejunk t1_itg5mmk wrote

I read this book every winter with the first real snow.. The book and the movie are very different and have different endings so it won't be predictablefor you. The book takes the time to really develop Jack's character. And while I still think he's an incredible jackass at least you get the whole backstory.


withoutcake t1_itfw7ww wrote

I'm curious as what everyone on this subreddit thinks as opposed to everyone everywhere else.


rapureppu t1_itfy83u wrote

Honestly to me it was a disappointment. It didn't get interesting until halfway the book and the ending was disappointing. I was really hyped to read it too, but even at its scariest moments it was just slightly spooky and left me wanting more. The Shining is way overrated and -hyped.

My boyfriend told me to add that "the sequel, Dr. Sleep, is fun"


Nashocheese t1_itfxmi4 wrote

Personally I never let anyone else's opinion drive me. Some people like it, some people won't. I think the only way you'll find out is if you read it yourself.


AluminumMonster35 t1_itfyubh wrote

YES. It's fantastic. I hate the film (although I admit it's scary as hell) and never understood the ending and reading the book it all clicked. I was terrified the whole time I read it. Plus there are some really scary scenes in the book that didn't make it into the film.


Astrid-Wish t1_itg1e5z wrote

I love the book. There is more detail about what the "shine" is, and while the movie was decent, I prefer the character building and the spooky little things in the book that would make a movie way too long.

And yes, it scared the shit out of me several times. The lady in the bath is way scarier in the book.

Disclaimer: I love almost every Stephen King book I ever read so def bias here.


sjsmac t1_itfyq10 wrote

The book and movie are famously quite different in many ways, but I enjoyed both.

The book has more purely “fantastical” horror elements and the movie remains focused on the psychological factors at work.


Averageplayerzac t1_itg5a9o wrote

I think it’s entertaining, but no I don’t think it’s so scary you’ll want to put it in a freezer or be compelled to attack someone with kitchen utensils out of fear, but I don’t think I’ve ever read a book that meets that criteria. I think the film is probably the more worthwhile experience on the whole but both do their own thing and I think both are enjoyable in their own right.


Xan_Winner t1_itg5w1l wrote

Yes, the book is really fun and much better than the movie. The movie changed the characters too much and I feel that took away a lot of the impact.


NefariousnessOne1859 t1_itg747x wrote

Yes The hedge maze/animals I was reading they part late at night, living alone, texting my only friend who I knew had read the book 😂

Dr sleep is also good but not as scary


MasqueOfNight t1_itg87oz wrote

It's definitely I spooky read, I really enjoyed it and felt like the supernatural elements were really well done without being overly explained, and the build up was well paced. Maybe a little slow in the beginning, but I didn't mind it. I haven't seen the movie, so I couldn't tell you the differences between them.


SwiftySlowpoker t1_itge0pa wrote

I’m about a third of the way through The Shining and am quite enjoying it so far. I am not really a “horror” fan.


Latter_Information51 t1_itgekw3 wrote

I have only read 3 of King's work and The Shining is my favorite so far (w/ the stand & misery). It's pretty scary for me to the point that I'd stay up all night and not turn my lights off because I'm afraid of having nightmares with creepy images. It got into my head as i read. The thing is, it's not just paranormal horror but also psychological horror. It's not just the ghosts that spooked me but the man's descent into madness. And for the record, it's waaay better than the movie.


HairyBaIIs007 t1_itghyri wrote

The Shining is a great book. I consider it more of a psychological thriller over a horror book. The Kubrick film is very different than the book.

On the opposite side of the spectrum, I found Misery to be the worst King book I read. So good luck. I know it's well liked, but it just wasn't my cup of tea. It's the only King book that I disliked


Danuscript t1_itgj3j4 wrote

I like Stephen King but for a long time I didn't read the Shining. I had seen the movie (didn't like it as much as others did) and the miniseries, so I thought I pretty much knew the story and it wasn't something I was rushing to read.

Well eventually I did read it and it became one of my favorite of his books. There are some scary things in it but for the most part it didn't make me like throwing it in the freezer, but I rarely get scared reading books anyway. The most interesting part of the book for me was the mental progression of Jack Torrance, which is done very well in the book and almost completely absent in the film.


airbudthedud t1_ith8gi5 wrote

The Shining was very good. It was different than I expected. Much more character driven than the movie


Oolonger t1_ithc21e wrote

Fear is pretty subjective. I found ‘It’ scarier, but the Shining is more adult fear. Of losing control and hurting the people who depend on you, and of becoming what you hate. The real horror story is what happens to Jack, so it depends on what sort of horror you enjoy.


CrazyCatLady108 t1_ithdwcx wrote

Please post requests for reviews in our Weekly Recommendation thread. Thank you!


ihopeithinkimright t1_ithggqp wrote

Try to go in with as little expectations as possible.

Fear is subjective and I found neither book particularly scary. I thoroughly enjoyed both though. I had heard Pet Semetery was supposed to be his scariest book and in all honesty, I'd consider it more depressing than anything (some chilling scenes though).

Can't really recommend Doctor Sleep as a follow up, it's alright, but no where near The Shining.


EndlessUrbia t1_itfx361 wrote

I was a big fan of the movie before I read the book. I first read it in high school and loved it. I had already read maybe two other S King novels but thought this one was way better. Maybe because it was easier for me to visualize everything that happened in the story from having seen the movie so many times. I think both the movie and novel are 10/10. If you didn't really like the movie then I don't think you would really like the book.