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mundane_coconut47 t1_iu18o9u wrote

I highly recommend pastwatch for anyone who enjoys alternate history/time travel related books.


capnjon t1_iu193pk wrote

Ahh, I've never read anyone else that read this book! It was a great one - I read it about 10 years ago and I still think of it often.


MonaSherry t1_iu1butv wrote

Me too. It was really good. This one in particular makes me scratch my head about how Card can hold the hateful politics he has and still write such morally nuanced novels.


mundane_coconut47 t1_iu1wevn wrote

Yeah you can dislike cards personal and political views while still appreciating his books.


Imapancakenom t1_iu3nme1 wrote

It's because he has much good in his soul, but religion has shaped his outer shell into an awful bigot