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Glitz-1958 t1_iucio4c wrote

Maybe a writer like Terry Pratchett might catch your attention? He writes in layers so there's a lot going on. He does put in a lot of random clues in a seemingly messy start but if you can see it like problem solving it's fun.

He throws in jokes and references as well as more than one plot and there are always darker elements he brings in from life observation if you want to look beyond the surface.

People with a STEM background tend to like his throwaway science references.

However you do mention you have to skim a lot for work, it might be possible it would be helpful to learn how to break that habit on occasion so you'll not be impatient with people. Most of us are slow to get to the point, or make a point you might find relevant lol.

Anything that you can use to help develop mindfulness might be useful. Some of the exercises can feel a bit waffy at first if you don't spend life smelling the roses but you'll find something you brain can attach to. Reading is as good as anything else.