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ApplephobicDR t1_is1cjqo wrote

>i want something that doesn't have a political agenda behind it, i just want history as it was,

Ho darling, do I have some news for you about History books


How_To_Police OP t1_is4wwp8 wrote

>Ho darling, do I have some news for you about History books

i couldn't agree with you more, but i'm looking for something that isn't MODERN historical revisionism propaganda.


ApplephobicDR t1_is4yq0e wrote

So you search for ancient historical revisionist agenda?

I will be serious here: History is always written from the perspective of the time it is done. Also, sometimes it don’t ad up with what we thought and we must accept it, accept that we were wrong.

If you do search for history on a subject but made in, let’s said, the 80 you then don’t have something that is more accurate (even if it can be but not because of the time period) but that is just tainted by a different time and you have to understand the glasses the writer had on while reading it.

Here you begin by the postulate that « all history books now are revisionist » that’s a narrow view of that, very broad, subject. You want not to learn but to confort yourself in your own beliefs, it’s not how it is done.

I’ll advise you to seek books made by someone who’s not from the country the history book is about for they have an outsider perspective that is sometimes way better.


How_To_Police OP t1_is7cv5f wrote

>History is always written from the perspective of the time it is done.

couldn't agree more

> Here you begin by the postulate that « all history books now are revisionist 

i don't recall ever saying that, what i mean is that the OVERWHELMING majority of the topic i research is historical revisionist propaganda written with the sole intention of propogating a political narrative.

> You want not to learn but to confort yourself in your own beliefs, it’s not how it is done.

i would like to challenge my beliefs, and if my beliefs are the modern day political narrative, wouldn't i want to find subject matter that is different then the current modern day political narrative if i truely want to challenge my beliefs?