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mongreldogchild t1_itr3rwk wrote

I saw that one as well. Rolled my eyes and decided to watch something else. He's a book snob in the worst meaning of the word. There's a lot to be said for intentional and in-depth analysis while reading. But there's nothing wrong with reading for pleasure, reading things that aren't "beneficial", or reading things at a pace that doesn't suit him.

Not everything we do has to be a character building or spiritual growth exercise. Maybe that's what some people want to do with their ennui, but I have never felt that emptiness of soul that needs to be constantly filled to stave it off.

I've always thought that this idea is largely linked to classism in many ways. Either from someone who is on the top of the chain who wants to feel better about themselves because they aren't like the unwashed masses. There seems to be a trend towards self flagellation in the upper classes, especially, where everything has to be unpleasant. Read unpleasant things, make it homework, make it about self improvement etc just to stave off the ennui of spiritual stagnation.

It's just a form of masturbation imo.


Ninja_Pollito OP t1_itrcu00 wrote

Everything you said here resonates. I am so bored with elitism, classism, and just the general, "I do this thing and it makes me better and more important than you." I guess I am also so weary of the whole productivity mindset. Even with my spare time, reading books, I have to be in that mindset or I am doing it all wrong. Sigh.