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CerebralBypass t1_itm1pn9 wrote

Typos are common. Even with multiple revisions and proofreaders, mistakes slip through.


TootsNYC t1_itnop52 wrote

It amazes me that “callling” would get through—so they not use a spellcheck ?


Brettdoad t1_itom7lj wrote

Once a book gets transmitted to the design department, the programs they use are no longer Microsoft Word with spell check. So, any number of errors can get introduced when changes are requested after the book hits lay out and they become much harder to catch. Add in crashed schedules, overworked editors, designers, and managing editors…. And mistakes happen!


TootsNYC t1_itorlxo wrote

InDesign has spellcheck


Brettdoad t1_itq8ert wrote

When editors get passes of deigned files, they don't have access to the indesign program. They get it as a pdf. It's really not the same thing.


rabidpiano86 OP t1_itm1xy8 wrote

Very interesting! Thanks for the quick reply. For some reason I thought published books would be perfect in spelling and grammar 🤣


Tanagrabelle t1_itmak3j wrote

In theory there are not many typos. But hoo boy have I read some books. I even got into it with an author, once. It turned out when they were shopping around for editors, they were being quoted $4000. And I couldn’t decide if the editors were trying to rip them off, or just looked at the sheer… OK it was really, really, really bad. so many typos. Occasional randomly capitalized words. I just, I just couldn’t.


camplate t1_itmsbvh wrote

I read a self published book; so many error especially with apostrophes. It would say he 'd or ins 't and a few isnt'
I'm a bad speller and a two finger typist. I'm grateful for reddit and others having spell check. But when users have the tools, and still misspell?


Amzuja t1_ito0wec wrote

Strong disagree. I hardly ever come across typos in books! Traditional publishing almost never has typos. You might see them a lot in self published, potentially?


JillHasSkills t1_itodvl2 wrote

I commonly notice typos in books. But then it might be mostly in romance novels, which at the rate they get churned out probably have a short editing cycle. Usually the typos I see are usage of the wrong word spelled correctly, e.g. they/their (though actually that one is rare, I just can’t call to mind a specific example right now). Have definitely seen such typos in fantasy and mystery novels as well.


Amzuja t1_itp0621 wrote

I must just be lucky then. I used to be a copy editor so I’d certainly notice!