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penubly t1_itna09x wrote

Most people who I've dealt with haven't really read the novel. They come in with a preconceived notion, usually associated with that horrible movie, and usually don't have anything from the novel to back up their point.

It's definitely more conservative in tone than more recent novels, but it's not as extreme as often portrayed in this sub. My question - if you've never read the novel then how the hell do you have an opinion based on knowledge of the novel?


CaryThezero t1_itnajic wrote

You realize the movie was satire of conservativism, right? And it's damned incredible.

Any earnest reading of the politics of Starship Troopers is...definitely problematic.


penubly t1_itnb0tj wrote

It was never portrayed that way in the build up to the movie release. Clancy Brown famously said "Heinlein would love the movie!" No way he'd love a satirical portrayal of this story.

Problematic can mean anything - be specific.


PuckSR t1_itnbtgu wrote

He was repeatedly quoted as saying that he wasn't advocating for the ideas presented in his books, so I dont know if he would have cared.


Blametheorangejuice t1_itnc1tg wrote

> Clancy Brown famously said "Heinlein would love the movie!"

Actor promotes movie, news at 11.


Lae_Zel t1_itnaz7m wrote

> Most people who I've dealt with haven't really read the novel. They come in with a preconceived notion, usually associated with that horrible movie

The movie is fantastic


Fafnir26 OP t1_itnalff wrote

I´ve seen excerpts. And the movie is fucking brilliant LOL

I am still thinking about reading it, if only to please its fanatical fanbase and being able to discuss it better, just to be clear.


penubly t1_itnbjp2 wrote

Fanatical? I think it's people who've actually read the novel pointing out that there are a lot of misconceptions, many of them from individuals, such as yourself, who are speaking without knowing anything about the source material.


TimDawgz t1_itnczmv wrote

You do realize that he wrote both Starship Troopers and Stranger in a Strange Land? They are totally opposite, politically.

Before you try to demonize Heinlien because you think he's a conservative, read both books and see what you think.


Hellblazer1138 t1_itnarn7 wrote

Thank you!

This book gets so much shit from people who've never read the whole thing or just interpreted it as the author advocating fascism, which is hilarious once you read his next book Stranger in a Strange Land and then Moon is a Harsh Mistress.


BooksAreLuv t1_itncfv9 wrote

The movie was pretty solid when you take it as the satire it was intended to be.