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PuckSR t1_itraoax wrote

No, and that was my original point.

The entire story is told from the perspective of a cock-sure young man who is slowly learning about the realities of the world. You can't interpret any of the narrator's promotion of the govt agenda as true advocacy.
It would be like watching JoJo Rabbit and thinking that the director was pro-Nazi because the protagonist is pro-Nazi


Fafnir26 OP t1_itrixqq wrote

Oooookay, then tell me this, why are so many people defending this books ideas?? Whats the point? LOL


PuckSR t1_itroivv wrote

Some people are Nazis and think the Nazis are right. When they watch JoJo Rabbit, they see their beliefs reflected in this part of the movie.

That doesn't mean that the intent of the director/author has anything to do with how people interpret their book.


Fafnir26 OP t1_itrpy13 wrote

Fair enough, so you are really saying Heinlein wrote this book just to basicly say every view expressed in it was bullshit?


PuckSR t1_itrrjlf wrote

Nope. Heinlein wrote this book as a commentary on nationalism. But, he used elements of this fictional universe to juxtapose them with existing systems to make the reader consider if one was better or worse.

This is a standard practice in fiction when the alternative universe is not dystopian or utopian.


Fafnir26 OP t1_itrvek6 wrote

Uh huh. Problem is I already have an opinion on nationalism. I think its counterproductive, espacially in our time with global problems like climate change and the migration crisis.


PuckSR t1_itrz1ay wrote

Then you'd probably like the book?


Fafnir26 OP t1_its09sf wrote

I guess? If it does allow for a critical view of its politics. I´ll have to make sure. Watching JoJo Rabbit now, though and its definately more satirical than the book. Kinda fun though even if its just Nazis being awful and funny so far, nothing deeper.