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loveincarnate t1_itd0qkx wrote

Do I need to use spoiler tags if I mention a certain part of the book?

>!I absolutely adored the part where they find the underground bunker and get to just enjoy life for a bit. The food and amenities were all very basic and nothing really unusual happens but there is a strange intensity to their time spent there. The ability to take something fairly mundane and surround it with events that make it stand out as borderline-miraculous is really something special. !<


>!If I were ever in a post-apocalyptic scenario akin to the one described in The Road I could die happily after finding and spending some time in my version of 'the bunker'.!<


Choppergold t1_ite1wn8 wrote

He really describes the making of food and the assembling and disassembling of things into the religious ritual for their survival. Reread it and notice how many times “he knelt” is used in those passages. An astonishing book a masterpiece really. Other dystopian fiction seems silly in comparison


Arma104 t1_itfdgoy wrote

I would not call The Road dystopian. Maybe an apocalypse book.


The_Red_Curtain t1_itfqq3i wrote

Yeah it's definitely a "sad future" lol, but nothing about it is a failed utopia