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ObscureMemes69420 t1_iuihw1r wrote

Did you read the book? Its literally extrapolations of basic common sense self-help tips...

It is in no way hateful... you'd know that if you were not just blindly criticizing someone based on your preconceived biases. I would recommend maybe being more factual next time you want to convince someone you actually read the book...


DannyBrownsDoritos t1_iuiksb0 wrote

I've seen/read loads of stuff with peterson and without fail he comes across as a deeply distrubed, angry and anhedonic individual with a messiah complex in every single one of them.


That_Turn3520 t1_iuj4qgp wrote

And just look at him! This is the guy you want to be your mentor? Addicted to benzos, talks like Kermit the Frog, got totally destroyed when he tried to debate an actual philosopher (Slavoj Zizek), seems to be controlled by his daughter. He’s a very, very weird man.


sisharil t1_iuiua4u wrote

I've watched several interviews with Peterson, and the most memorable thing about him is that he comes across as astonishingly incoherent and vaguely stupid.


Genshed t1_iujjb39 wrote

Given that one of the Rules is 'be precise in your speech', it's noteworthy that getting JBP to give a definite answer to a question is like nailing jelly to a cloud.

'Dr. Peterson, are you a Christian?'

Most people would answer either yes or no.


ObscureMemes69420 t1_iuiv70i wrote

So you havent read the book referenced by OP. Thanks for confirming.

This is my problem with people like you. You see an interview you dont like and just assume the worst without ever reading what he has to write. Sad really, that you lack the critical faculties necessary to distinguish between the man and his work.


Mentalfloss1 t1_iuj0emr wrote

Why read an advice book by someone you perceive as stupid?


sisharil t1_iuivjml wrote

I'm not the person you were initially responding to.


Mentalfloss1 t1_iuj0avr wrote

There is all sorts of trash in there about the imaginary guy in the sky. The quotes I used are from the book. But no, I’d never waste my life reading such BS.


ObscureMemes69420 t1_iuj777o wrote

Thank you for confirming you have no idea what you are talking about and that you have not read the book OP is referencing.


Mentalfloss1 t1_iujkee9 wrote

So when I read paragraphs from a book then those paragraphs have no meaning?

When you're in the wrong always go to the ad hominem attack. ;-)