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SlickMouthedFool t1_iuiwuce wrote

You need to have more discerning tastes when judging literature, you are currently defending a man who spews Neo Nazi talking points, pretending that we just dont "understand" his philosophy.

The man believes White Supremacy and Patriarchy aren't real...the man has openly promoted forced monogamy as an answer to inceldom.

> He seems to be one of the few people who are actually trying to fix the rising incel issue

No he's fucking not.

Lying to these men, telling them that feminists are the problem is NOT HELPING THEM, he's fucking feeding into their delusions.

He is making them worse, making them angrier, reinforcing their darkest prejudices.

What the absolute fuck are you talking about?

HELPING these me would be unpacking their prejudices....trying to reintegrate them to reality...getting them to understand that women and modernity aren't their enemies.

A therapist is what these men need! Not someone who openly engages with their conspiracies and prejudices!

There's one Neo Nazi thing that JP ALWAYS does.

He always talks about the "unproductive 10%" or even trans people, like their very existence and visibility are an existential threat to western society.

....but he always stops short of giving a solution to the "problem" of these people...he gets to the precipice of calling for violence, then takes a step back and says "we just need to be talking about one is talking about it."

He's a Nazi, wrapped in a film of self-help pop-psychology.

I refuse to beleive you posted this entire thread without even looking into his comments about trans people, forced monogamy, or the unproductive 10%.

What is your fucking goal here?