Submitted by phil917 t3_y4zzsn in books

I really tried to make it through the original Dune series as it's considered to be a classic, must read by many. To be fair, the original Dune book is very good and I really enjoyed it a lot. God Emperor of Dune was also very interesting. And Miles Teg is a bad ass in Heretics, he's possibly my favorite character in the entire series.

But the writing style (the sequels in particular, the first book isn't quite as bad for some reason) is just so hard to digest! I've never encountered books that are this difficult to read. And I don't mean they're boring, I enjoy Frank's concepts, the setting, the atmosphere, etc...

But I often times found I'd get through a couple pages and only have a very vague understanding of what the hell was going on. Last night I just hit a brick wall early into Chapterhouse and decided to switch to a new book from a different author and the difference was night and day.

I immediately was engrossed in the new book and thoroughly enjoying my ability to easily comprehend what the hell was going on. As of now, I have zero interest in finishing Frank's final Dune book.

In summary: The original Dune books are clearly groundbreaking in many ways. They introduced many unique concepts to science fiction that are still heavily drawn upon today. And I can really appreciate them for that. But man, do I fucking HATE Frank Herbert's writing style.



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