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ABitterKing t1_ivtsrih wrote

People have goals. For example: I want to go the gym at least 3 times a week. I for example aim to study a langauge for 30 minutes a day. Reading is just another goal. Some people take hobbies seriously idk.


[deleted] t1_ivttdus wrote



TheBigKrangTheory t1_ivtz0j8 wrote

While I totally get your point, I have have to disagree... at least a little.

My new years resolution was to read 52 books in 52 weeks. It was the first ever reading goal I set and I've already accomplished it.

The reason why I set this goal in the first place was for health reasons. I got a pretty bad concussion a few years ago and my intelligence suffered drastically. In the beginning, I was unable to think of words, leaving a lot of sentences unfinished. My ability to do math was worse than 4th grade level.

It's improved over the years but I still struggle daily with setbacks. My thought was that reading a ton of books would help with my brain and also take up time that I would otherwise spend doing things that were less productive. I also read before bed which helps me fall asleep faster than if I was on my phone.

There were times that it did feel like a chore but that depended on the book. I thought that Anna Karenina and the Invisible Man would ruin me, but I endured and am grateful that I never have to read them again. A majority of the other 50 books were a joy to read and I found myself wanting to stop watching TV to read them.

I accomplished my goal a while ago but I'm now reading as if I haven't and I'm enjoying every minute of it.


pineapplesf t1_ivuqdsb wrote

painting and drawing challenges are quite normal, even for nonprofessionals.


AgentSonnenblume t1_ivu2eix wrote

Yeah but reading is different from watching TV shows IMO, that’s probably how other people perceive it as well. Watching TV for me is a lot more passive, with a book I’m more engaged, it calms me down more and I feel I’ve learned something after almost every book, even in fiction. TV for me is pure entertainment.


[deleted] t1_ivud5qz wrote



AgentSonnenblume t1_ivudjsp wrote

Yes of course, but it’s still not the same for me. Idk watching TV just doesn’t require effort for me, educational or not (unless I really really want it to), whereas reading inherently feels like doing something worthwhile/productive. And it takes me more effort to sit down and read rather than watch Netflix or go on social media. I think that’s quite a common sentiment.


[deleted] t1_ivudp4u wrote



sbirmier t1_ivv0ju7 wrote

There have been endless scientific studies that reading improves brain health and functions such as memorization and vocabulary.

It's not an opinion that reading is more productive than tv, it's a fact.