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[deleted] t1_iyd1nmk wrote

This is adorable! I cracked up at the nonchalant tone the narrator takes when wondering if all his friends are dead already. M Night who? And as a medical student I love "things that look like weapons but aren't." Following so that I can meet the neighbor.


marcamos OP t1_iyd5p2m wrote

Hah, right? Next time you walk into a hospital room, remember this 8 year old's imagination.


[deleted] t1_iyd7197 wrote

It's actually kind of funny that one of the things he drew looks quite similar to the frame orthopedic surgeons use to keep broken legs in traction! We don't have a zapper at my hospital though unfortunately.


baltimac t1_iyd808l wrote

"Fancy what-looked-like-weapons, but weren't" reminds me of Terry Pratchett


7ootles t1_iyd62si wrote


Set up an Amazon page. When the whole story is told, put it into a single volume and make a book we can buy. I'd buy a copy of that.

I'm not even kidding. I had to keep reminding myself that came out of an eight-year-old's mind. His work is to a higher standard than many adults.

Tell your eight-year-old from me - I'd pay for a physical copy of that. And tell him to keep up the good work.


marcamos OP t1_iydaym6 wrote

I thought of doing something like that once he has more books made (if he follows through). Who knows; could lead to a genuine long-term interest and, maybe, career!


7ootles t1_iydboj9 wrote

The interest will grow with encouragement, I'm certain. Your son has talent. I can recognize that as a reader and as a writer with a master's degree in it. Your son has a true gift. There is a career waiting for him in his future, as long as he gets the right kind of encouragement. The key thing is not to let it go to his head, but for it to be real encouragement to keep working and improving and stretching himself. Some of the best writers in the world wrote their first stories in the exact same way your son has.


marcamos OP t1_iydc25f wrote

Well … wow, thank you for saying that. I'll try to gently increase my prodding on getting that second book wrapped up.


MinervaTheBitch t1_iyd3rx0 wrote

I can’t believe an 8 year old wrote this! What a talented kid. I’m sorry to hear about your best friend, Mr.Cowy’s, passing.


pvaa t1_iyd5w77 wrote

Yeah I'm sorry to hear this too 💔


marcamos OP t1_iyd99ti wrote

I feel a deep, personal loss 🤪


marcamos OP t1_iyd5v8u wrote

Hahaha, I'll mention this to him.


ballsOfWintersteel t1_iyd6fix wrote

Last Page has the whole 'stay tuned to find out' thing also. It also says Scholastic there 😂

Your kid did a fine job with those details on top of this excellent story!


GeonnCannon t1_iyd6m4j wrote

Be careful. Things like this are a gateway drug. I used to do things like this. My parents thought it was just innocent fun, too, but then I decided I wanted to be a writer and kept on writing books. I'm well into adulthood (chronologically speaking) and still going. One day you're posting his great little story, the next thing you know he's a published author on Amazon. Slippery slope, my friend! 😁


marcamos OP t1_iydat20 wrote

Here's hoping he slips right down that slope!


MrsMurphysChowder t1_iyd9wcf wrote

Post removed?! So disappointed!


marcamos OP t1_iydabxk wrote

Ah! I surely broke one of the sub's rules; bummer.


7ootles t1_iydb3ag wrote


Well my previous comment still stands. I hope your lad all the best and keep going. Maybe this is a sign that you and your son should work together to make a book we can buy. I don't know if you can advertize here, but if you make it available such that we can buy copies, I'd be more than happy to "recommend" it on here.


marcamos OP t1_iydccaa wrote

You're too kind! If he keeps this going, we'll see what it turns into. I can certainly handle the 'promotional website' side of things.


7ootles t1_iydh0tv wrote

Be sure to let me know when autographed copies become available.


[deleted] t1_iyd6l7l wrote



marcamos OP t1_iydaqsl wrote

I'm pretty sure he's already tinkering with it, but I should double-check.


ninursa t1_iyd5vbg wrote

Very cute. Very hardworking and talented kid, that was quite a long book!


auszooker t1_iyd6iqu wrote

When I was young (maybe 10ish) I wrote a play about hidden Christmas presents one school holiday when I was bored.

Maybe he might like to adapt the story to a script next? He might enjoy converting the story to directions and lines?


marcamos OP t1_iydaotb wrote

Maybe? I definitely won't let him forget he promised the world a few more books at the end, there.


Pianoman264 t1_iyd76wv wrote

This is OUTSTANDING! The tension is palpable and the cliffhanger ending is great, really makes me want to read more! I also enjoyed the drawings.

I wrote my own version of horror books as a kid called "Needles" (based on Goosebumps of course) so this is bringing me back. So well done on his part!


marcamos OP t1_iydagrz wrote

I'll tell him!

Your book: if it's still around, scan it and plop it into some blog platform, etc.


Icy-Extension-422 t1_iydahv2 wrote

Jonathan is my new favorite author, I'm inspired! And love the artwork so much. Love how he has written the characters. Amazing, waiting for next chapters.


HotToddy88 t1_iydmzi8 wrote

Seriously, there must be over 30 pages here. What an awesome amount of work and dedication. Please let them know I’m looking forward to finding out what happens in those tunnels! Tell them they have another fan!


giveuschannel83 t1_iyd722t wrote

This reminds me of books I used to make as a kid! Mine were usually more about cute fluffy imaginary creatures, but I liked spooky stuff as well. I still love art and writing now as an adult, hope your son will too :)


StephBets t1_iyd7jj6 wrote

“If we get killed I’m blaming you in heaven” is my favourite line lmao we need more of this!


marcamos OP t1_iydacwe wrote

Haha, I cracked up at that line, too.


Hopefulkitty t1_iyd7yo2 wrote

Kid had some solid cliffhangers between chapters. I love the "other books to read explore" section. He definitely reads a lot!


marcamos OP t1_iydaa75 wrote

Hah, yeah, he does! My wife is a reading specialist by trade, so our kids have been read to since about 3 months old.


JaydiaMadame t1_iydv4ul wrote

Very well done! I hope he continues the story. I'm anxious to find out what happens next!