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Jack-Campin t1_ixy41yk wrote

Looks like Kjell Eriksson is somebody I ought to go for, like a successor to Henning Mankell (I'd guess Mankell isn't your thing either).

Stott looks really interesting. Definitely going to keep an eye out for her stuff. I've seen copies of Ghostwalk in local shops.

How on earth does somebody end up with that range of interests after an upbringing in the Exclusive Brethren? (A friend of mine was cast out by them for being gay - literally on the street in the middle of the night with nobody in their community to help).


HeavyBlastoise OP t1_ixy5s6g wrote

Any Mankell recommendations in English translation?

I only found out yesterday that Princess of Burundi is part of a series, and the book seemed more interested in expanding the character interaction rather than the big mystery itself.


Mjhtmjht t1_ixy6iy3 wrote

Thank you for the Kjell Eriksson recommendation. I loved Henning Mankel’s Wallander novels and felt quite depressed when I reached the end of the series. I would love to find works that are similar and equally good.