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sophandros t1_ixymrxy wrote

>So, what's your thought?

My thought is that you should get over yourself. There are 8 billion people on this planet which means there are potentially 8 billion different opinions on every book. And guess what? Just because you don't like it really doesn't matter because someone else likely will like it.

Additionally, those authors and their editorial/publishing teams have put in a lot of work to enable you and others to hold that book in your hands. Don't shit on them by declaring that "no other mortal should read" their work. Who the fuck do you think you are?

Seriously, get over yourself. If you don't like a book, donate it to a little free library, put it in a book drop, or give it to a homeless shelter or something. Give someone else an opportunity to make up their own mind about it and perhaps even enjoy it.
