Submitted by confrita t3_z731r7 in books

Hi! I hope everyone's having a good day!

I was wondering how do you approach or plan your reading order? What I mean is, for example, if you finished reading a horror novel, do you try the next book to be other genre?

Most of the times I try to vary the genre or subject whanever I can. If I finish a light short detective story then I'd go for something like horror, or fantasy.

Sometimes what I do is read two books at the same time, one of fiction and the other about history or philosophy. Mos of the times I found that this technique give me a good balance, where I can let the other book rest for a little while I dive into other subject completely different.

Even if I'm reading a book that's part of a series, most of the times I try to read other stuff (probably a couple of short stories) before going into the next installment.



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ZipZop06 t1_iy4fgtw wrote

I rotate but final decision is based on my mood. Barring me finishing a book and saying - omg, I MUST read another by this author/next in series NOW…

I usually will first sort to my oldest books, then from there pick two or three of different genres to re-read the descriptions of and select from there. However if I’m like hmm I just read a thriller then a cozy mystery, I really want a romance - then I’ll pick from 2 of my oldest romances on my kindle.

I usually have two books of different genre going such as listening to a thriller and reading a historical romance. I like to balance dark and light tones.


Rusalka-rusalka t1_iy4fs9f wrote

I only know the book I’m reading at present, my next book and the book after that. I have a list of books to read and fill it in as I want, then pull from that list when it’s time to queue myself up for a replacement. I am also reading the wheel of time series so I’m reading other books in between WoT books as a palette cleanser. So this method works well for me.


confrita OP t1_iy4fyjp wrote

Yeah, having a balance between some dark and light tones it's good, because sometimes one needs a break from the heavy/dark themes yo relax for a little before tackling it again


kaysn t1_iy4m11s wrote

Nothing like that for me. I'm a very impulse reader. No planning, no diversifying, etc. I read what I feel like at the moment. If that means several titles of the same genre one after the other. Then it will be so. Right now I'm in a sci-fi kick.


upon-a-rainbow t1_iy4pdu8 wrote

I like to read one fiction and one non-fiction at the same time too. If I've had lots of recommendations in a short span of time (from friends and such) I alternate between one book that's been on my to-read list forever and one recommended book.


Rusalka-rusalka t1_iy4qxjh wrote

Ugh, I'm so sorry. This happens to me with some books I read a few chapters of and then put down for a while. So far, I've been able to retain a lot from the four books I've read, but I expect I will be reading Wikipedia summaries to refresh myself at some point. haha


upon-a-rainbow t1_iy4rqzs wrote

Now I've just resigned myself to watching the tv show :P

Back when I was reading it though, I had stumbled across an animated map that gave you key pieces of information and showed you everyone's positions that that time. It was unreal. I was never able to find it again and now I'm not even sure if it was real or something I dreamt up. (this was in the very early days of my internet usage and I don't think I knew that bookmarking was even a thing haha)


confrita OP t1_iy4t7js wrote

Yeah WoT it's a series that has been on my list for a while, but the extensions always push me away for lack of time. Is it worth to invest the time diving into that world?


Rusalka-rusalka t1_iy4u56j wrote

I think the first two are pretty good and worth it, but the third and fourth were harder for me to get through. I'd take it book by book to see how committed you feel. My husband has most of the books and we are both reading through them at this point. I think it's intimidating because each book is a big commitment and can burn you out. I've heard from some that they enjoyed the audiobooks.


minimalist_coach t1_iy4unke wrote

I don't have a set plan, but I try to spread out books that are intellectually or emotionally challenging and read lighter books in between. I often read/listen to multiple books at the same time. I like to have a printed book, audiobook, and ebook at all times.

I like to read my series over a long period of time. I read a lot, 10-15 books a month. I have a couple of series that I'm reading, but I only read 1 book per month from any series, some even less frequently.

Since I get most of my books from the library, I generally just read what becomes available. I fill my queue 1-2 times a month with a variety of genres. I have a small shelf of books I own to fill in when I don't have something available to read from the library.

I like to participate in challenges or have a goal that gives me some direction for choosing books. I joined a genre of the month challenge this year that provided me with a new genre each month and 4 tasks to read books to complete. Now I've created my own challenge to read fiction and nonfiction by authors from 195 countries.


confrita OP t1_iy4uziw wrote

That's cool! Are you and your husband on the same book? Or one of you is more advance than the other?

Reading with your partner could be very cool because you can have discussions and make theories about the story as you go


dawgfan19881 t1_iy4vhiu wrote

Right now I’ve got a reading order for my kindle and one for physical books. The Kindle reading list is mostly larger fantasy novels while the physical books are mostly $10 paperbacks. As for the order I’m reading 3 series currently. I alternate between series. Paperback is just one off novels.


Rusalka-rusalka t1_iy4vo5y wrote

no lol, but I'm on his heels! He's on the end of book 6 and I am about to start book 5, but he's worried i'm gonna catch him super fast. I'm trying to take my time so he can enjoy himself. :)


tortataurus t1_iy5624n wrote

I make my decision based on how I feel when I finish a book and I like to switch genere as well. If I feel sad when I finish a book, my next read will be lighthearted.


Zikoris t1_iy5w9rt wrote

Usually it's based on library due dates, but I make exceptions for new releases and stuff I'm really hyped for. What I usually do is put together a reading list for the week on Saturday night, with a mix of different types of stuff, and then pick from there on a day to day basis.


demilitarizdsm t1_iy9k83j wrote

Try to read through a cycle of my top genres which I can just blaze through (2 books at any given time) + 1 book that you slow burn (poetry/ nature) that will last several cycles + 1 short stories book to take breaks from the rest + 1 graphic novel most inverse themed to what I am reading generally. Yes I use a spreadsheet and its half way working.