Submitted by Fire_storming t3_z0yipf in books

A publishing house in Poland bought the rights to the book "Babel" and a lot of people don't like the covers for the translation (there are two versionsSee the book covers).

I don't care if the cover is pretty or not.

All the statements on this subject are that "I will buy the original with a nice cover, not the Polish version." Of course, it must have something to attract potential buyers.

but for me it is childish behavior. a book doesn't have to have a beautiful cover and you can't see it 90% of the time because it's on the shelf with its spine outside.

of course, I will choose the prettier cover, but it does not decide whether I will buy the book or not, and whether I will buy the translation or the original. I like the description I will buy it.

what is your approach to this situation?

Edit : I didn't mean to offend any of you.

I can add that they will not buy this book and because of this cover they are not going to support this publishing house which is childish for me in this situation.

Edit after a day: Ok. After a day I see that I missed some information and right now I'm calmed down.

All of your points are valid. And I agree with you. I just understand that I've missed some things.

They know what this book is about, there is a chance they already read it. They are just making Fuss about it cause it doesn't look like they wanted it to look.

So bullying and throwing SHlT on publishing house is childish, acting like book cover is all that attract people is the only thing (I know it's important but I've worked in a book store I know it's not that important).



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ready4more4 t1_ix83z4k wrote

I hate when they reprint books with images from the movie. Ugliest thing they can do.


Sheltac t1_ix8s6bo wrote

I mostly read on an iPad these days, and this pisses me off even on my digital bookshelf. I’d really rather not have Zendaya on the cover of my copy of Dune.


viper_in_the_grass t1_ix9fk9r wrote

They've published a new translation of Tolkien's LOTR here in Portugal. Firstly, it had Tolkien's own drawings as covers. But now they are releasing them with covers from that abomination that is the Amazon cash-grab fanfic, that is only loosely connected with LOTR. WHY!?


ready4more4 t1_ixeoh4k wrote

Gross! I would understand a sticker "Basis for a new show/ feature film” but I don't understand the cover change.


cityboyculture t1_ix8847t wrote

I actually like the cover of the polish translation ones compared to the original!


SubstantialScale9858 t1_ixa1784 wrote

I don't even know which one is the Polish translation, and I don't really care! They both look fine! Better than fine- they both look cool.


sjsmac t1_ix81cbm wrote

I think your post title means to say you won’t NOT buy a book because you don’t like the cover.


ThorGanjasson t1_ix84mdf wrote

I think your post title means to say you will buy a book, regardless of cover*



Fire_storming OP t1_ix84yut wrote

That fits too. I tried to come up with something catchy


wrappedinplastic79 t1_ixazyik wrote

This is not childish behavior. Collectors are picky about what they are going to spend their money on and what editions the want to add to their collections. I personally prefer only original cover art and am not a fan of modernized or movie adaptation covers. I’m not forking over money for just anything and prefer a certain aesthetic.


Fire_storming OP t1_ixbrv0f wrote

Ok. After a day I see that I missed some information. They know what this book is about, there is a chance they already read it. They are just making Fuss about it cause it doesn't look like they wanted it to look. So bullying and throwing SHlT on publishing house is childish


wrappedinplastic79 t1_ixcpv5d wrote

Honestly you are the one who is sounding childish. I’m going to go out on a limb and guess you’re not a serious collector.


Fire_storming OP t1_ixcq6b6 wrote

I am reading books not collecting them. They are meant to be read not to look pretty on the shelf


wrappedinplastic79 t1_ixcqocq wrote

The fact that you keep using the phrase “look pretty” is letting me know you definitely don’t get it


Fire_storming OP t1_ixcqvo8 wrote

I'm just using the same word people are using while describing the original book cover


wrappedinplastic79 t1_ixcr779 wrote

Here are some other words: unique, interesting, artistic…I don’t care about this particular book, it’s not my thing personally, but some people are more attracted to actual independent art and less attracted to cookie cutter mass published corporate pressed versions of something.


wrappedinplastic79 t1_ixcqb9k wrote

I assure you my aesthetic is not “pretty”. You seem a little wet behind the ears get back to me when you enter adulthood


okiegirl22 t1_ix815hf wrote

Different people look for different things in their books. Personally, the cover (and general design) of the book plays a big part in which edition of a book a buy. If all I can find is something with a terrible cover or a poor design, I’ll get the ebook instead of the physical book so I don’t have to look at it, ha ha!


Fire_storming OP t1_ix84qbt wrote

I agree with you. For me the cover is the last thing I look at when I make a decision. I've read the worst book with beautiful cover and the most beautiful book with disgusting cover. So I don't pay attention to it that I know others can look at it different. But covers of "Babel" are not the ugliest I've seen so I don't understand their problem


kaysn t1_ix8ej87 wrote

>I can add that they will not buy this book and because of this cover they are not going to support this publishing house which is childish for me in this situation.

People look for different things. I certainly prefer UK covers over US ones 9/10 times. And go out of my way to import those.


Fire_storming OP t1_ix8fram wrote

Yeah it's still the same language. Your not choosing book in your second language because the cover is prettier than in your language.


natus92 t1_ix8z8t7 wrote

Sometimes I'm thinking about it, at least


MountainSnowClouds t1_iy20hnr wrote

I have had many foreign people tell me that they prefer to read in English over their native language if English is the original language that the book was published in. If someone can speak more than one language well, why shouldn't they read books in their second language too? It's awesome that we translate books. There are books that I've read that I never would have been able to read if they weren't translated, but things can get lost in translation. Don't shame someone for choosing to read a book in another language, please.


bofh000 t1_ix9mivn wrote

They both look beautiful and intriguing. The kind of cover that calls to you in a book store…


skullfullofbooks t1_ix855h6 wrote

I've bought books because I love th cover, and display the cover on my shelves. Books can be very personal, some people absolutely care about book covers they buy. I see nothing wrong with your idea about what matters about a book or their ideas about what matters.


Fire_storming OP t1_ix8geji wrote

Sometimes i have that idea ( few weeks ago I saw beautiful covers of Romeo and Juliet and Macbeth) but this isn't why I'm buying books. but I totally understand your idea about covers.

I just don't understand that situation with Babel


ghost__toast_ t1_ix8l76k wrote

Covers do have some affect on me. I went out if my way to collect the original covers of a book series after they redesigned the covers


SubstantialScale9858 t1_ixa1ghs wrote

I feel like that's different though. You weren't choosing to boycott the book because of the re-designed cover, you just wanted the original cover, and from what you said it doesn't seem like you made a big fuss over it.


Humble_Draw9974 t1_ix8kj15 wrote

I’ll definitely pick up books in stores and look at them based on the cover. And pass them by based on the cover. If you’re unfamiliar with the book, you don’t have anything else to go on, and you can’t look at every book.


SubstantialScale9858 t1_ixa1uwf wrote

But this is also different. The people making a fuss about these books already know about the book and what it's about, some even having already read it. I do the same thing as you when I go to a library or bookstore, but I'm also not going to not read a book with an ugly cover.


spinazie25 t1_ix9crv6 wrote

But these are stunning! Someone clearly sees the book as a potential bestseller as a YA novel and has splurged on some pretty, appealing art. I do really like the original covers too, they are what drew my attention to the book in the first place.

To answer your question, I do own some books with ugly covers, mostly because they were cheap or the only option. I even have wrapped one of them with paper to hide the picture, hoping I might draw my own cover someday. I guess there is a limit to how ugly the cover art can be, though, depending on how much I want to read/own the book itself and how expensive it is.


SubstantialScale9858 t1_ixa1134 wrote

The saying literally is don't judge a book by it's cover.

You're insides are worth more than your outsides.

If it's a good book it's a good book. Some cover art is hideous, but not reading a book over it is just ridiculous.


nocountry4oldgeisha t1_ixahyt1 wrote

I don't put much stock in covers, but I do get sentimentally attached to what ever edition was my first reading (whether hardback or paperback - it's like I'm emotionally attached to the object itself).


FrontierBrain t1_ix9a9q0 wrote

For better or for worse, there is a not insignificant percentage of the book buying public that puts an equal weight on the appearance of a book as on the contents - it not more so. Take, for example, last year's Empire of the Vampire by Jay Kristoff. There were at least 4 different special editions in the UK alone, each with cosmetic differences. Some readers purchased all 4 just to have them all. Similarly, bookstagrammers and booktokers are all about aesthetic and some absolutely buy books based entirely on appearance, regardless of content.


Fire_storming OP t1_ix9c192 wrote

Yeah buy different edition of books you already have I get it, I have few different editions.

My problem (or maybe their idk) is fact that that they are refusing to buy the translation because of the cover ( add a little bit of bullying the publishing house, talking shir etc.)


trishyco t1_ixagigv wrote

I’m usually getting my books from the library or as a free digital advanced copy so the cover isn’t THAT important. I typically choose based on author or buzz. Ironically, I did pre-order Babel from the UK (I’m in the U.S) which meant I had to pay extra for shipping and the conversion rate because I appreciated the black sprayed edges on Waterstones special edition.


Sensitive_Tension_23 t1_ixbii7m wrote

I'm not at all particular about the cover in paperback books, but if I'm buying a hardback book and spending more money, I will always choose either the first edition (if it's within my budget) or the one with the prettiest cover. The story or information inside a book is always the most important thing, but if I'm spending my money on a hardback book to keep, I also like it to have aesthetic value. (I've never read the book Babel, so these are just general thoughts.)


South_Honey2705 t1_ixc6ogv wrote

I'm a cover lover but it's what's inside the book that ultimately make the book or break it.


MountainSnowClouds t1_iy1zzip wrote

I like both of those covers. I think that they are beautiful.

However, what someone does with their own money shouldn't concern you. I have bought foreign covers before because I thought that they were prettier than the USA edition before. I like pretty books. Sue me? 🤷‍♀️


South_Honey2705 t1_iyc317y wrote

I like Babel cover on the left kind of similar to the American copy.


South_Honey2705 t1_iyc36ka wrote

A beautiful cover is all fine and good but essentially it's the story between the pages that xounts