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[deleted] t1_iy5ewca wrote

Movies have no interest in faithful adaptations. They're interested in taking the bits that might make a successful movie and changing or leaving the rest.


highliner108 OP t1_iy5u268 wrote

Yeah, and people are into horror, so why on earth hasn’t anyone done the economically smart thing and combined brand recognition with horror (a notoriously easy genre to get into.)


[deleted] t1_iy74lac wrote

Because scifi has a far broader appeal than scifi horror. So the economically smart thing to do is what they've been doing. Get rid of the horror and make your movie have broader appeal.

Cost effective investing is the whole reason they got rid of of the horror aspect in the first place.


Abandondero t1_iy9wscz wrote

The problem is that they try to adapt novels, which have too much plot for a movie. First they have to extract a smaller story, then they have to alter it to make it coherent. Novellas would be the ideal thing to adapt, but they don't have the name recognition.


[deleted] t1_iy9y3iu wrote

It's not the problem anyway. Movies work very differently than written stories. There's plenty of movies based on short stories with the same non-problem.

Movies will always just take what works, ignore what doesn't and change everything around to make sure it fits a visual medium.