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HighResPhotog t1_iy4reya wrote

Was assigned this in high school by an amazing teacher. One of the best books ever written. If you like Boy’s Life, read Dandelion Wine!


BueRoseCase t1_iy4ujd5 wrote

Thank you for the recommedation, off to look for it now!


-lc- t1_iy4thmm wrote

My fav horror book (i know i know it's not 100% horror but still)


BueRoseCase t1_iy4ug2o wrote

I absolutely love this book and reread it periodically. Magic, pure magic. The long, hot summer, the real, cruel issues of childhood, the community, the mystery. It's fantastic.


Nautonnier-83 t1_iy4vxoy wrote

Serendipitous that I just rediscovered this on one of my bookshelves and was pondering re-reading it. This is a sign that I should.


Yard_Sailor t1_iy5ekhb wrote

Agreed. It’s a fantastic novel that works equally as well for adolescents and parents.


FuckDaCrapRedditMods t1_iy5pls8 wrote

I haven't read a boys life, but I have read most of his novels. I like Swan Song, and the Matthew Corbett series


Trick-Two497 t1_iy5anpo wrote

Absolutely one of the best novels I've ever read. I keep meaning to read more McCammon.


DarthDregan t1_iy5kzfu wrote

Great Book. I had it figured out before the end, but it didn't lessen the impact.

Though I did get an edition where the pages were bound out of order. There were something like five total sets of pages and instead of it being 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 it was 1, 2, 4, 3, 5.