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ina_sh t1_ivouupk wrote

There are groups in Goodreads??? Where?? How? What do they do?

Edit: aahh that's why I never came across the groups on the App: on Android, "it's not currently possible to join new groups using the app. We recommend using our desktop or mobile sites to do this."


heykittums t1_ivoz75b wrote

ooooh, yeah. The goodreads mobile app is straight trash for the community part of the site. I'm usually on it when I'm at work and on a desktop.


Shinobu-Fan t1_ivszavs wrote

With the new format, do you know where I could find their QNA for every book? I can't find it as easily


heykittums t1_ivt7arw wrote

I didn't ever use that feature...but sometimes authors answer questions about their books on their author pages. Good luck!