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esoquesobueno t1_iy9rond wrote

There’s literally hormonal issues that can make you happy to suicidal in hours.

I know my period’s coming on not from physical cramping but due to a sudden sense of hopelessness, worthlessness, and suicidal ideation. I’ll be walking past an overpass for a bridge thinking “I should jump” and get home and realise my period’s starting “…oh that’s where that came from.”

I didn’t realise how much lack of sun exposure played a role too until I moved further North and got such short winter days. My mental health is way more precarious in the winter when I’m at work before the sun rises and after it sets than in June, when the sun’s out by 4am there’s still some light out past 10pm.


Lily_Hylidae t1_iy9ty9v wrote

This is me every month, weeping into the washing up bowl, contemplating the utter futility of my life, then..."aaahhh yeah! That's why!"


esoquesobueno t1_iy9zdg8 wrote

The lack of other physical symptoms makes it extra tricky because while as a kid I used to get awful physical symptoms, as an adult I don’t.

So I will really have no fecking idea and be thinking it’s time to see a therapist again until the blood starts. Then I’m like ah ok I’ll feel better tomorrow (it usually doesn’t last that long.)


Lily_Hylidae t1_iya17fa wrote

I feel you! As I've got older the physical symptoms vary so much. Sometimes I'll feel like I'm coming down with a cold, or my back will hurt, or I'll get a bad it could be loads of other things going on.

The emotional side has got so much worse in the last few years. Anxious, fragile, exhausted, vulnerable...gah!