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Number1Record t1_iy9i8fm wrote

I actually felt something like this today! I recently bought two of my childhood favorites at a second hand bookstore. Last month I reread the first and I was a bit disappointed. It just wasn't the same magical adventure anymore, even though most of my other favorite books from that time still hold up. Today I started rereading the second one and so far, it's been great, to my immense relief. But it also made me a bit melancholy, because I miss the way reading felt when I was a child. I've never stopped reading, I've discovered some absolutely amazing books in the past few years and continue to do so, but it's different. I don't even mean it's worse, I still enjoy reading as much as I did back then, but there's just something magical about reading when you're a child and that magic is definitely gone now.


Silmarillien OP t1_iy9jhjq wrote

I completely get what you mean. It's how a child's brain works I guess! Absorbing everything, imagination running wild, easily evoking vivid imagery. Back then we were like a blank canvas and more carefree. Also, it was a time when we didn't have the reading and life experiences. Most motifs, genres etc were fresh and captivating. At least we can be happy that we did experience this!


toshirodragon t1_iycwn3g wrote

This is why I stopped reading books I loved as a kid. My adult brain was too "Oh no way, man! I'm NOT on board with children doing blah blah!"