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CantankerousOctopus t1_ivucxlc wrote

Murderbot is probably one of my favorite characters in literature. The entire series is amazing. We actually named our newest dog Security Consultant Rin from Rogue Protocol. We call her Rin for short obviously. I'd love to read an analysis of Murderbot because I feel like I relate so much to them as a character.


underratedpossum t1_ivvgcdx wrote

That's a great name! Give your Security Consultant a skritch from me , please


CantankerousOctopus t1_ivwsx4j wrote

She appreciates your support in her security endeavors. She enjoys the occasional skritch between patrols of the perimeter because she doesn't trust our station security.


BeccaSedai t1_ivwrk8z wrote

Murderbot reads pretty strongly as some variety of neurodivergent in my opinion. An intensely well-written character whose blatant awkwardness is relatable rather than off-putting.


apparition_of_melody t1_ivyq0le wrote

Im on the spectrum, and I had the same impression.


CantankerousOctopus t1_ivz7i1q wrote

I'm not on the spectrum (officially), but I've had a few armchair diagnoses claiming I clearly am. I kinda figured that was the reason I related to them so well.