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Shanks-Akagami t1_iyeyg8g wrote

Bad ? He's consideired one of the best ever and some do consider him the best


True-Abbreviations71 OP t1_iyf5t1l wrote

That's why I am so confused. I expected to enjoy every page and that it would read like cutting through melted butter. But what i got was more like chopping through a wooden log with a butter knife


twilightsagawebcomic t1_iyf7df2 wrote

I LOVE Dostoyevsky but I do not think that he is necessarily easy or even enjoyable to read. But I did find Crime and Punishment genuinely transformative and I learned a lot about how to write from him as well. I think the power of his work is less in the pace or the prose and more in the powerful concepts and how he carries the reader to new destinations