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kaysn t1_iyek0yg wrote

2012: 5 (Burnt out from all the assigned university reading.)

2013: 12

2014: 18

2015: 14

2016: 21

2017: 24

2018: 45 (Bought a Kindle.)

2019: 50

2020: 104 (Hello pandemic lockdown.)

2021: 97

2022: Currently on book 98 and 99.

I don't really set a goal. I have said I am a very impulse reader. No TBR. No mood reading. I don't like to commit to a reading goal because that puts pressure on me. And turns the hobby into a homework. I have worked from home since the lockdown. My job affords that luxury. I found a lot more free time when I don't have to sleep and get up earlier so I can commute to and from work. Freeing up ~4 hours of my day to do what I wish.