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kaysn t1_iyek0yg wrote

2012: 5 (Burnt out from all the assigned university reading.)

2013: 12

2014: 18

2015: 14

2016: 21

2017: 24

2018: 45 (Bought a Kindle.)

2019: 50

2020: 104 (Hello pandemic lockdown.)

2021: 97

2022: Currently on book 98 and 99.

I don't really set a goal. I have said I am a very impulse reader. No TBR. No mood reading. I don't like to commit to a reading goal because that puts pressure on me. And turns the hobby into a homework. I have worked from home since the lockdown. My job affords that luxury. I found a lot more free time when I don't have to sleep and get up earlier so I can commute to and from work. Freeing up ~4 hours of my day to do what I wish.


minimalist_coach t1_iyeka9t wrote

I don't have a usual number yet. I read 22 in 2019, 10 in 2020, and 55 in 2021 (I retired). So far for this year, I'm at 160.

I have set a goal for the past few years and didn't make it in 2019 or 2020, moving and pandemic stress were both obstacles.

I set what I thought would be a stretch goal of 100 for this year and was excited when I met it in August.

A few things about my goals, if I reach them, I don't move the bar, I just enjoy seeing how far I can exceed them. If I don't meet them, I don't beat myself up, I didn't fail, I just didn't read as many books as I hoped I would. A lot can happen during a year and other things can be more important than reading.

I also set a few other reading goals to keep my reading list interesting. This year I set goals around reading a variety of genres. Next year my goal is to read authors from other countries.


BasicFantasyReader t1_iyekwsc wrote

I set a goal. I read as many books as I can.

But what will people telling you their numbers really mean? We all have different circumstances, preferences, and abilities. I think your numbers look just fine. It's a good goal to try to increase. It's OK if you don't.


gardenomette t1_iyeky9c wrote

2018 i read 18

2019 I read 41

2020 I read 46

2021 I read 35

And I just hit my 2022 goal of 35


Geetright t1_iyel20j wrote

30-40 per year has been my average for the last decade or so


hgaterms t1_iyem6xh wrote

Damn son, I'm lucky if I finish 2 on average

This year I've been able to read 5 total (followed by 2 audiobook listens).

Prior to this year? I think I read 1 per year for the past 4 years.


GarlicAndSapphire t1_iyene6q wrote

101 this year, so far.

2021: 74

2020: 83

Apparently, I need to watch more television.


ghoul_legion t1_iyenmvd wrote

Hmmm like, 2014 : 4

2015: 2

2016: 0

2017 : 0

2018: 0

2019 : 0

2020: 0

2021: 0

2022: Closing in on 20.


Traditional_Salt_410 t1_iyens2t wrote

First year setting a goal. 24 for the year or 2 books a month. I’m on my 22nd now so I’m on track to finish at least 24 this year. Next year probably won’t be so much of a book count goal because I’m planning on tackling some bigger books. Maybe I’ll do some kind of page count or word count goal.


satisfiedwhisper t1_iyeoecb wrote

According to my goodreads, since 2016 I've read anywhere between 57 and 178 books every year. But I don't really think numbers really say anything. I try to read a variety of stuff, short poetry books or graphic novels are always gonna make the number higher with a low effort, it's not just 500 page novels I read.


Infinite-Weakness584 t1_iyeokl9 wrote

2017: 34

2018: 34

2019: 84

2020: 86

2021: 100

2022: Currently on 102 and 103. I should easily get to 110 or so.


Solid_Parsley_ t1_iyeooj1 wrote

121 last year, and my goal was 100 for this year, but I hit a slump (between illness, broken ankle, depression and burnout), so I'm sitting around 65 at the moment.

But just a note, it doesn't matter how much anyone reads... 2 books or 200 books, as long as they're reading, are both great. I just have no obligations outside of work, no family, no children, low-need pets, so I have a lot of time to read. Not everyone has six hours at a time to sit down and just smash through an entire book.


okiegirl22 t1_iyeqwmg wrote

I usually end up reading about 60-70 per year (66 so far this year). I don’t set any goals based on number of books read, but sometimes I do participate in other reading challenges. My goal for this year was to get though some of the backlog of books I own!


Welfycat t1_iyeqzjn wrote

2019: 70 books

2020: 128 books

2021: 64 books

2022: 154 books (about 63,000 pages this year. Books I read are typically between 300-500 pages).

Those are the years I’ve kept track using Goodreads. My general goal is 52 books a year, or one a week.


Nizamark t1_iyer1i4 wrote

i try and read 2 or 3 books a week. don't always finish all of them. but i usually have about 4 titles going


thewallflower0707 t1_iyesu87 wrote

So far I‘ve read 156 books this year. A lot of them had over 400 pages, a couple even over 600 pages.


ElectroWizardLizard t1_iyetpxh wrote

I set a goal of 12 this year. After reaching it bumped to 24. Then 52. On pace to make it, I'm ~75% done the last 2 to reach it.

I don't think I'm going to actually set a number goal next year, but more specific targets for what I read. (A few books in French, some more non fiction, new authors, branch out more in genres)


yrgs t1_iyetujc wrote

2022: 30 up to now
2021: 38
2020: 27
2019: 26
2018: 24
2017: 24
2016: 35
2015: 15
2014: 28

But usually I find the number of pages more interesting.


nyrdcast t1_iyeui1r wrote

I probably average 12-15 books a year. If you include graphic novels, I'm closer to 100.


GoingToZero t1_iyeushi wrote

2022: 6 (Reading a 7th currently)

Before summer this year, it'd been years since I'd read a fiction book. I should finish a couple more before New Year. Hoping to read ~20 next year.


Zikoris t1_iyev94x wrote

I've only kept good records since 2021 unfortunately - I made my best guess after the fact at what I read for 2020, but definitely missed a lot, and have a massive pile of books where I really have no clue what year I read them. But anyway:

2020: 102

2021: 475

2022 so far: 378

I set a 365 book goal since it's a nice round number (a book a day!), but I don't really care if I read this many versus that many.


CrazyCatLady108 t1_iyevg8i wrote

Discussion is the goal

Do not post shallow content. All posts must be directly book related, informative, and discussion focused.


skauing t1_iyew05m wrote

I honestly don't have a "usually" but I'm hoping to continue the trend from the last couple of years. I read three books in 2020 and maybe one or two? the year before that, and last year I read 46 (with a goal of 24). It's looking like I'll end this year around 40-42 (goal was 36), and I'll be very happy if I can break 40 next year too (tempted to make the goal 48)! I haven't read this much in over a decade and it's very exciting :)


CrimzonSun t1_iyewkl2 wrote

I don't know what I wanted to see from this thread, but apparent this was it!

I am happy you have (delete as applicable): fallen in love with reading (again?) / trying something new this year / found your genre / found a better life balance / found solace in books in a bad time / enjoying reading now you're in a good space / recently been given a lot of books

Tried to cover my bases, but I'm sure I'm wrong anyway. XD life's just like that.

I'm in a reading slump this year as work/life balance has been terrible. I'm optimistic about next year though.

Anyway, happy reading!