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Easy_Alternative4435 t1_ixculsj wrote

I may be the unpopular minority here, but I did not care for it. Loved All the Light You Cannot See and was really excited for CCL. I appreciate what went into writing this book and will read whatever he writes next but I was super disappointed. I should have dnf'd given the length but I was hopeful it would grab me. Anywho, glad you loved it!


lady___eve t1_ixdtu87 wrote

I liked it overall but once the online chatroom conversations with the kid showed up and were super unrealistic, it broke my immersion somewhat and made me wonder if the 1500s setting was just as poorly portrayed. Also was bothered by how the woman narrator from the 1500s, once she >!married the farmer guy in the end, became absolutely nothing - she was barely mentioned again, only in the context of being a mother, while the husband's story and perspective continued!<. Thought it was maybe unconscious bias on the writers part. Still enjoyed the book very much overall, but ultimately left feeling like it was a lesser sort of Station 11. Need to read All the Light You Cannot See next!


Unlucky-Horror-9871 t1_ixfui3j wrote

I’m in the minority with you, then — I absolutely did not enjoy this book at all.


CrochetNerd_ OP t1_ixcvrd5 wrote

I'm glad you're honest about it tbf. Some books just aren't for everyone and I can respect that. I feel the same about Cloud Atlas - heard so many great things but just couldn't get on with it after multiple attempts. Fair play for sharing your opinion :)


meatwhisper t1_ixd7xk2 wrote

I DNF'd it. Just was a drag for me to get through. But I enjoy that others have found it engaging!


PoorPauly t1_ixdb79o wrote

I’m with you. It was fine but nothing great. All the Light We Cannot See was far and away the better work.