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Emergency_nap_needed t1_ivy0o3e wrote

Not read the book but the title and the cover art are very similar to Stuart Turton's "Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle" which is a superb book. The similarly in titles has caused confusion at work


mycleverusername t1_ivy36ar wrote

Which would be why they changed the title to "Seven and a Half Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle" for the US publication, which doesn't really make sense in context of the book, but does make the title more intriguing.


TheChocolateMelted t1_ivy8u0x wrote

Yep, personally stumbled into Evelyn Hugo as a result of this.

Evelyn Hardcastle was a wonderful, original, intriguiging book. Wouldn't really use any of those adjectives for Evelyn Hugo. It's not a bad book, just a nice way to pass time. The amount of hype is ridiculous.


Hi-isLiv OP t1_ivybwun wrote

Nice way to pass time. Agreed. I was reading the Bell Jar and this was a nice distraction.


Hi-isLiv OP t1_ivy1lb0 wrote

I’ll check it out!


ilysespieces t1_ivyi13z wrote

It's literally nothing like Evelyn Hugo, it was even changed to Seven and a Half Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle in the US because of the confusion.

It's a fantastic book and I wish I could read it for the first time again. It made my head hurt, in a good way.


squid1020 t1_ivyj2ca wrote

Interesting to read everyone’s opinions. I liked Evelyn Hugo, didn’t love, but would l recommend as an easy vacation read. I also tried reading Evelyn Hardcastle and found it hard to get through, I didn’t finish it. It felt repetitive to me.


Caris1 t1_iw0mjps wrote

We are reading Evelyn Hugo for my book club (and I’m struggling with it). I’m thinking I’ll suggest Evelyn Hardcastle next just for contrast….