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sietesietesieteblue t1_iy93hl2 wrote

Wow I was not expecting this when I opened reddit today. First off, I love your i hunt killers series (I've read it several times over the years)

So I guess my question for you would be... What was your favorite part of writing the series and not so favorite parts? Things that were difficult for you to write whether it be because of the subject matter or other reasons?


barrylyga OP t1_iy94gws wrote

Glad you liked KILLERS!

My favorite part of that series was freaking out my editor's assistant! LOL! In the first book, she told me something was just horrible and asked me to cut it. I did...and then I put it in the second book! She was like, "Nooooo!!!!"

But I think developing Connie and Jazz's relationship was probably my favorite part of writing that series. Oh, and coming up with Billy's various aliases, too!

Believe it or not, nothing really BOTHERED me in terms of subject matter. (My writer pals who knew what I was working on used to joke that I was born without a soul!) The hardest part of the books was actually plotting out the mysteries and making them work. When I showed the first draft of the first book to a friend, she said, "I love it! Was I supposed to know who the killer was by page 50?"

Needless to say... I did some revising!