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defnotRachelRay t1_ix7yczz wrote

Is this the first Murakami book you've read? It's a very different writing style so if you're looking for a clear, straightforward storyline it might not be for you.


__wldn0 OP t1_ix80llm wrote

tbh i don’t mind the way it’s written, i actually enjoy it but the storyline so far doesn’t seem so interesting to me, that’s why i was wondering if it’s worth my time


defnotRachelRay t1_ix82fvz wrote

By style I was more referring to the fact that Murakami stories aren't about the storyline. Murakami is about the moods and emotions his characters are feeling. If you're only reading for the story you've chosen the wrong author.


__wldn0 OP t1_ix82s5m wrote

ohh okay okay i get what you mean. i’ll just give it a try since i bought it now and i’m curious about some things and if it doesn’t work out, then it doesn’t


defnotRachelRay t1_ix83ot8 wrote

Just don't start 1Q84 and you should be fine 😂


__wldn0 OP t1_ix8m10d wrote

yeah a lot of people said that 1Q84 is not it so i’ll just pass on that one


Somebloke164 t1_ix81vd6 wrote

I quite liked it but I liked it early on- I really cared what happened to the characters.

If it’s not working for you then it’s not working for you.


__wldn0 OP t1_ix82cds wrote

i’m actually very intrigued to find out what happened to storm trooper and naoko and i feel like that’s the only thing that makes me wanna continue reading it so idk i guess i’ll give it a try and see what happens


One_Pen_7776 t1_ix84kn3 wrote

The prequel, Swedish Formica, wasn't that good.


CrushedByTime t1_ix8bkrq wrote

It’s about the journey, not the destination. Murakami’s prose is more about aesthetics and atmosphere than getting going with the plot.

I suggest you try one of his short stories first and see if you want to read more.


smurfette_9 t1_ix8lfai wrote

Just stay with it if you don’t mind this style of writing. I really liked it but it’s about imperfect characters. I really liked Kafka on the shore, but did not like 1Q84.


__wldn0 OP t1_ix8nph7 wrote

yeah i decided to give it a try whatever the outcome since i bought it now, so we’ll see how that goes 😂


bossanova-mood t1_ix81nv0 wrote

I felt the same when i started it as well, then I heard Jack Edwards on youtube say that it's a great book, so i kept reading and i liked it by the end. it's a simple story nothing epic but it captures the mundane life of toru. you'll understand what it's going on with naoko further in the story. it's really simple and beautiful


Odd_Ambition6732 t1_ix8n8vo wrote

I'm not the biggest Murakami fan because of the way he writes women and his plot holes, but his aesthetics and mood are on point. It depends on you and what you like! Like, if you prefer plot-driven books, it might fall flat for you.. Unfortunately it's not really a clear-cut answer, as you can see by all the responses you're getting ^^;


__wldn0 OP t1_ix94r13 wrote

i asked some of my friends too and they have mixed opinions too but thank you for taking some time to give me your opinion too


himanshu_777k t1_ix8pjw9 wrote

Haven't read Norwegian wood but have read Kafka on the shore. Different book but i really liked it. Takes your mind to a Wonderland.


FarArdenlol t1_ix8trl1 wrote

It’s a decent book, very easy to read. Also it’s not that long. I did enjoy it because some of the characters are interesting, their relationships are explored deeply and there are some touching moments.

The best thing about it for me is the setting. I’d tell you what specifically but I don’t want to spoil anything.

I wouldn’t put it anywhere near my list of best books or whatever, but I guess it’s a good book if you don’t mind depressed and lost characters.

I’d say it’s not about the plot, it’s more about exploring the innermost thoughts of characters who have deep connections issues, struggles with close friend’s death and whatnot.


__wldn0 OP t1_ixequ9o wrote

oh you can tell me it’s fine really, i’m almost done reading it anyways so probably by the time you tell me i’ll already be done


apricot-prinz t1_ix882r9 wrote

I did enjoy the lecture but from my point of view it's not the best book Murakami's written. The one I really enjoyed is South of the Border, West of the Sun


CrazyCatLady108 t1_ix944qf wrote

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