Submitted by hummingbird_romance t3_yls59n in books

Jennette (the author) writes heavily and graphically about her eating disorder history. She has struggled with all three of anorexia, binge eating, and bulimia, and she details her experience (including how she felt when doing it). Her book is great to spread awareness on what those with eating disorders go through, especially those who binge and purge, as she even writes about the toll it takes on her body. About her anorexia, she includes details about calorie intake and things like that. But of course, as with most good things, there are cons to it too. Although, if informed, a person who might get triggered could avoid the situation by not reading it. Someone actually wrote a post on r/bulimia to warn people that he relapsed from reading it. Another person commented that they too relapsed for the same reason. If the two of them did, I'm sure many many people around the world have. I don't know if the book has a trigger warning on it, but the audible version doesn't, and it really should.

Anyway, thought you should make an informed decision.

If you don't struggle with eating disorders and choose to read it, enjoy it! It's a great book, and really interesting to see her incredible transformation from Little Hurting Jennette into Adult Healthy Jennette.

Edit: I'm adding a paragraph, unedited, from a response I commented to someone below. I just felt like adding it because I feel it's appropriate to. (That last sentence sounded repetitive, but it's kind of not really lol.) Anyway, here it is, paragraph written by me:

>Yes, it's quite heartbreaking. My heart goes out to Little Jennette. I was going to add that into my last paragraph, but I was struggling with articulating it, and I know that saying that it's a great book is a compliment that an author would appreciate even if it's about their difficult life, so I decided to leave it at that.

Edit 2: How do you create a double line break between paragraphs on the app? I tried looking online, but I can't find a proper answer that's working for me.

Edit 3: Lol I just realized the first edit was actually unnecessary. I had forgotten that I actually didn't just leave it at "it's a great book" in the end in the first draft. But it doesn't hurt to leave the edit in, so...there it is. :)

Edit 4: Corrected the spelling of her name.

Edit 5: Oh my gosh upvotes in the THOUSANDS??? 🤯 Wow I had no clue this post would blow up! It's funny how the posts that blow up are always the ones we least expect to. Anyway, thank you everyone for your upvotes :) and your comments!

Edit 6: A big shout-out to u/hamwichsamwich for inspiring this post! I wouldn't have warned you all had it not been for his vulnerable post about his relapse in r/bulimia.



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