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GrowingPriority t1_j1w94p0 wrote

There’s nothing wrong with what you’re doing. Books aren’t demanding; they’re just there when you need them. Nobody is judging you for taking a long time to read a book, and it’s okay to never even finish. Look at reading as a hobby, not a commitment.


Snoo-86135 OP t1_j1waqll wrote

Thank you, those are really good points. Made me feel better :) I think I expected to just become obsessed with reading lol


lostinaboook t1_j1wj0tu wrote

Maybe you just need a routine? Have you tried setting time apart in your day dedicated to reading?

I personally read as part of my bedtime routine even if it's just for 15 minutes. Books I read during that time get read fairly quickly. I also read other books outside of that routine and those books take me months to finish not because I don't like them but because I often end up doing other things that take priority.

But like others have said, there is no one "right" way of being a reader.


Snoo-86135 OP t1_j1xxd92 wrote

Makes sense, I don’t know if I’m really a routine person, routine ends up feeling like a chore to my personal brain. But I’ll give it a go! You might be right :)


Livid_Library_8106 t1_j1wdkef wrote

What was the last books you finished? Regardless of how long it toke you to read it.


Snoo-86135 OP t1_j1xxpb6 wrote

The last book I finished all the way through was Howels Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones. I read it on my way to college classes. Took maybe a month or two? I found I feel more productive to work or read when I’m around people


Livid_Library_8106 t1_j1z81q2 wrote

Same here. I need people around to finish a lot of tasks otherwise I'll feel the time passing slowly. The trick that works for me is to set a goal ex. to read x amount of books in a year. If you reach 35% then you did a great job.

I hope you find a good book amongst those lists. It's a bit too broad but it's a fun to go through:


Next_Communication55 t1_j1wh2yv wrote

I used to be exactly like this! It wasn’t until I figured out my favorite genre (fantasy) that I began to not be able to put books down. Though I agree with the other commenters - there’s nothing wrong with what you’re doing now either. Curious as to what kinds of books you read :-)


CrazyCatLady108 t1_j1wn29b wrote

Hi there. This subject has been very popular in the past. Please use reddit search and/or check the /r/books/wiki/faq.