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PansyOHara t1_j1zq5qv wrote

NTA but I do agree with providing 2-3 different choices and maybe doing a short blurb about each one.

Not sure if this will read Holocaust to you, but I will put in a plug for Herman Wouk’s The Winds of War and War and Remembrance. W&R was issued in a book club edition as 2 volumes, and WW is a fairly thick book. WW is basically a prequel to W&R, and W&R can be read as a standalone. These are novels and really give a global overview of WWII, although the Holocaust is of course a major element.

I’ve read the whole trilogy several times, and despite the length it’s a pretty fast-moving story with a cast of well-drawn characters. My sister isn’t a big reader although she’s a WWII buff, and she liked it a lot. IMO Wouk’s writing can be a little clunky, but again it’s a story that is gripping and is based on actual events, although the main characters are fictional. Historical personages make cameo appearances: FDR, Harry Hopkins, several naval admirals and Army generals, Hitler, Churchill, and Stalin (possibly a few more I don’t recall). The historical characters for the most part have dialog that is documented.

IMO the story and writing provide lots of material for discussion, and the whole storyline about Hitler’s plan for a Final Solution is eye-opening.

These books were published in the 1970s but should be easy to obtain in paper or electronic format.