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PatheticMutant t1_j1f00xq wrote

The twilight books have brought happiness to over 100 million real people so it’s still a net good for society even if you found it bad.


hgaterms t1_j1fmnok wrote

As much as it pains me to say it, I agree with you.

The book is STRAIGHT TRASH, and not my jam. But if someone read it and they love it, damn who am I to shit on them for enjoying it?

I mean, I will shit on them, but not to their face. I believe in letting people enjoy their life. I'll be over here laughing, but also enjoying my own stupid shit too.


PatheticMutant t1_j1fnxs9 wrote

Of course they’re trash lmao! Like I “look down on” adults that get obsessed with Harry Potter and stuff but I’m not going to pretend like those books are some scourge on our civilization or whatever (shitty author aside).


phantom_fox13 t1_j1f2lqz wrote

I admittedly poke fun at Twilight, but people can enjoy whatever they want unironically or ironically.

I guess when I do get frustrated by its popularity, it's more on the wave of similar vampire portrayals, definitely not to my taste, that seemed to suffocate the market for a while. Or anytime you mentioned vampires, some people assumed you meant you were a Twilight fan.


[deleted] t1_j1f1h1m wrote



PatheticMutant t1_j1fmll6 wrote

You think Twilight is “bad” for people? What other recreational activities do you feel this way about?

It’s a fucking young adult book that a bunch of people spent 8 hours of their life on lmfao. Acting like it’s some scourge of civilization is snobbish in the most pathetic way possible.