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Starstuffi t1_j1oiaqy wrote

Yeah, I'll agree with you! I'm now more interested in trying to engage with things (by doing skills or learning about them) than I am in just opening up more doors of potential. We're in the do stuff stage of life now, where for good or for ill, the amount of options/potential for ways we could spend our time dwindle every day. (This isn't inherently bad; but to dedicate yourself to learning music, you might not have the time or money to invest in learning to riding a horse, etc.) I'm aware of more options now than I could capitalize on in 5 lifetimes, much less the rest of this 1!

There's also not... as much that's completely new? Like, I frequently see a movie or read a book or play a game and know 'wow, I would've been WILD about this 15 years ago, it's a much better version of Thing I Was Into Then but have now tired out as an interest for myself currently'. I notice this with motifs/aesthetics I really like, and also NOTABLY with things that have archetypes or themes I really enjoy but have already thought about a lot.

I used to find meaning almost exclusively in other people and relationships, but that isn't working out for the way my life is. I am getting better about finding depth in other things independently, but it's required a lot of reworking away from other current human beings (which is challenging as a very social person). It's complicated and more personal than I think /r/books needs as to why that's necessary for me LOL. But history, ecology, and religion/spirituality is helping me find that depth in new places. Again, all non-fiction type topics rather than stories about people doing things for one another and navigating challenges between themselves!