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idcxinfinity t1_j22gqwk wrote

I Am Legend. Wtf was that ending?


markus_kt t1_j25q1es wrote

The movie had an alternate ending that at least was closer to that of the book's.


A_warm_sunny_day t1_j22npyy wrote

I had always wondered about the title until I read the book, at which point it made perfect sense.


idcxinfinity t1_j25tezn wrote

Lol no kidding. Just call it will smiths adventures with vampires. There is absolutely no point to the book without the ending. I usually don't care what movies do to books but this one was upsetting.


ChronoMonkeyX t1_j24wguv wrote

>I Am Legend. Wtf was that ending?

Test screening audience approved. Can't have a movie without the hero saving the day and getting the girl.


idcxinfinity t1_j25u42y wrote

Yeah, if heard that too. Sad endings can suck, but that's the whole point of the book. To see things from a different perspective, to see the hero isn't always a hero, and on and on. I've really gotta let it go but man it frustrates me lol