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Sabonis86 t1_j2318pb wrote

I Am Legend. Without a doubt. The story is completely changed and while I think the movie was good in its own right, it should not have been named the same as the book.


daveinmd13 t1_j23vh0z wrote

Watch “The Omega Man” with Charlton Heston, made in the early 70s. It is much truer to the book, but still not exact.


maraudingnomad t1_j257dxh wrote

I actually liked the movie more, I guess because I saw it prior to reading the book? Gave the book full rating on goodreads for I realise the impact it had but for a modern reader it doesn't stand so tall in its own right IMO. I'd have to look up my review to recall precisely what my issues were but it was mostly the pseudoscience and some worldbuilding stuff.