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Stunningheights t1_j2djbxv wrote

It’s not about doing whatever they say to the T. It’s about taking what they did/advise, and applying it to your life to help you improve. That doesn’t mean you have to do everything they or even exactly what they say. Just do what you think works for you, based of what worked for them. No two situations will be the same. Cutting out toxic people doesn’t mean you have to cut off everyone that doesn’t make you immediately happy. Cutting out toxic people is cutting people out of your life that actively make it worse. Someone who makes you feel bad about yourself, someone who uses you to get what they want but wouldn’t lift a finger to help you, or someone who you put effort into knowing and caring about but they can’t even remember any important detail about you. You aren’t an asshole for choosing who to talk to, and you aren’t an asshole for not talking to people who make you unhappy. I think maybe the term toxic is overused. When I think of a toxic person I usually think of someone who is a POS. Not friends or family who just have a couple bad habits. Now also cutting them out should be last resort, talk to them if you think they’re hindering your life but not in a toxic asshole kind of way.