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Guilty-Doubt-2662 t1_j2ag42q wrote

I’m not disputing that most of the books on this list are “great” (except The Great Gatsby, that book is trash) but I’ll go downvoted to hell if anyone thinks this is a comprehensive list. I see people talking about the lack of representation of women (which is true) but it’s so much greater than that. This list is so westernized and for the few non-English original languages highly dependent on the existence of a quality English translation. This list completely ignores many epic African, Asian, and Middle Eastern works, probably due to a lack of awareness. I spent my youth reading “great” books to make myself educated, but found that I learned so much more from reading books that taught me to think in a way different than what mainstream literary critics applaud. I would love to see a list put together of the greatest books western culture has never even heard of.


dking159 t1_j2avh9e wrote

Do you believe that a westerner (or anyone who come from a place on earth) can accurately make a list of the best books without being biased? We can only perceive others culture by the lenses of ours. We should acknowledge it and stop trying to be above everyone else.


That-Requirement-285 t1_j2b7f5a wrote

That’s the problem with ‘100 Best Books of All Time’ lists in general. Most people do not read all the classics, and most people do not read classics that their culture isn’t familiar with. Most Westerners haven’t read Journey to the West or other literature from Asia and other continents that greatly influenced the culture.


dking159 t1_j2bz3q3 wrote

Even if you do read every book on earth, your taste will be shape by your culture no matter what. So don’t try to be objective! You can’t. This is the best book list from a western point of view. Point blank.


That-Requirement-285 t1_j2c1j35 wrote

I agree, but that’s why I don’t put too much stock into lists like this. Your list might be different, but that doesn’t mean it’s any less valid from a cultural and literary point of view. Unless it includes something insanely bad like the 100 Days of Sodom.


dking159 t1_j2c4bkj wrote

Im from the francophonie (country that speak french) and it pain that’s most of the book I love are not here. But I do understand why!


grishnackhh t1_j2atow8 wrote

Would you be so kind and recommend some of your favourites?