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chatoka t1_j1zt1ia wrote

It’s a masterful parody of military logic. If you’ve served it’s probably a lot funnier.


theeculprit t1_j1zsz9j wrote

I felt similarly about Catch-22. But humor is just one those things that isn’t super universal, and I think that’s especially true with books.


sunandsand67 t1_j1zrrdz wrote

Funniest book of the 20thC IMHO. Yeah maybe your sense of humour isn't on the same wavelength.


canyonjosh t1_j1zs0vc wrote

No way , read it 5x over the last 20 yrs still makes me giggle


Pretend-Ad-1186 t1_j1zrs72 wrote

I found it repetitively boring and couldn't finish it. Way over-rated in my opinion.


EmmaKat102722 t1_j1zs5iy wrote

I think the humor really reflects the views of the time and maybe doesn't completely translate to younger readers.


Joe_Doe1 t1_j1zsvhg wrote

Read it as a teenager. Remember bending over laughing as I read and realising that books could actually do that to you.


left4ched t1_j1ztle4 wrote

They're just different kinds of funny. I laughed way more during Dunces than during Catch, but I liked Catch more.


books-ModTeam t1_j1zwbkb wrote

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Sluice_Jounce t1_j1zws39 wrote

Same for me. Awhile I go started reading “must read/classics” lists and this one left me wanting. Sometimes art is time-stamp and results vary on who and where you are in life so I’ll likely give it another go at some point. So far Dune, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Slaughterhouse-Five, and Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy lived up to the hype. One Hundred Years of Solitude was my most disappointing as it’s multiple friends #1.


danellender t1_j1zz63p wrote

One of my favorite books of all time is Bombardiers by Po Bronson. He's accused by some of plagiarizing Catch-22 but to me it's more relevant to our age because the Bombardiers are bond salespeople who are selling worthless bonds during the S&L crisis of the 80's and 90's.

Major Major is morphed into Lisa Lisa, and Yossarian becomes Sidney Geeder, who feels trapped selling bonds that he knows are worthless. He hates what he does but is very good at it and the money is obscene, so he can't walk away.