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SumoNova t1_j1uujce wrote

Depends on your own effort that you put in. A book won't MAKE you do something. I'm a naturally lazy person. I've read lots of self development books. And I've learned a great deal from them! It gave me a unique point of view from people who have taken action and accomplished (starting a business).

So I feel I gained valuable knowledge. I know what I should be doing. I understand what works. I understand what hinders me. It's great information. Some of it may definitely be things you know, and may seem obvious. But like many things in life, hearing it all laid out in front of you helps cement in whatever idea you're looking for.

So since I'm a naturally lazy person. I'm glad I read them. And definitely put some effort to use what I learned. But it's ultimately up to me whether I fully utilize the lessons learned.