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chortlingabacus t1_j2fjsy2 wrote

Download away. Sounds like you've no alternative, & in that circumstance most authors would without doubt be pleased to have their writing read in any form.

Sorry about your parents. Fair dos to you though for having an open mind despite their closed ones.


FallThick963 t1_j2fkvi9 wrote


I believe getting books from illegal sources in such situations is justified.

If you are financially able to buy books, then you should do it. If you are not, and your community is not helping neither (censored or poorly equiped libraries), then it's OK.


pizzapastamix t1_j2fnqc2 wrote

I agree too. Either way the author/publisher won't get any money. At least they get free advertisment if you speak about the downloaded books. You could also look into books which are in public domain. These are legal to download and to read.


marinekai t1_j2fx18r wrote

As an author I agree :) I'd be happy you wanted to read my books badly enough to find a way


Lizk4 t1_j2fperh wrote

This is bad advice. Theft is never justified. Stealing is stealing. I feel bad that this person can't read the books they would like to read, but that doesn't give them the right to steal from the author.

OP, I suggest you find other books that your parents are willing to buy or look into books that are downloadable LEGALLY and freely. Many authors offer some of their books for free. Many classics are public domain and free to download through various sources.

But do not encourage pirates by using their websites. This is wrong!
