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Difficult-Albatross7 t1_j28rm95 wrote

Nope, unless you want to traumatise them. Plus the author was involved in the wrongful conviction of an innocent man that had some massively sketchy elements to it.


WolfD_red OP t1_j28tii8 wrote

No! Definitely not! I just want her to have a good cry, a book that she would enjoy crying to. And discuss it with her. I will try to look for another book. Someone recommend The time traveler's wife the Traveling Cat Chronicles, I will try to find either of them. Thank you for the insight!


TheEntropicOrder t1_j291458 wrote

Does she want to cry? This seems like a weird thing to want for someone else.


ComeScoglio t1_j292pb0 wrote

She said herself, often and in different interviews and articles she wrote, that she was deeply sorry and that her trauma was such that she couldn't remember details of her assault. No one can give the man his life back, absolutely no one, but to blame her and only her for his wrongful conviction is too easy a way out. There's a society where women often get raped, not believed, and are forced to re-live their trauma during the investigation. There's a whole system in place that routinely put black men in jail on scant evidence. There's another system that makes it very hard to overturn a wrongful conviction.

It's awful that the man went through that. But it's also awful that the woman went through that. It's not right, I think, to put the blame squarely on her shoulders.

I may change my mind when I get older, but for now, this is how I view it.


Difficult-Albatross7 t1_j2al6ql wrote

Totally agree about not blaming her, I read Lucky the non fiction account of her rape. It was horrible in every way you imagine it to be. As you say there are two very flawed systems at work here. From memory she walked past him and was blind sided by her reaction and 100% sure it was him. Pretty obviously a trauma response but damn the guy lost like 20 years of his life to that. Didn't know about her response whole thing is just sad really 😔