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ihaveneverbeenwise t1_j28yew4 wrote

This is a tricky one as you can see from people's responses! I would probably recommend it in person after checking that she's ok with the themes and the content but probably not give it as a gift. For a quick-ish read that sounds like her cup of tea (romance, will make her cry) I would recommend Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas by James Patterson. It's not his usual type of book, and every time I've read it I've cried my eyes out. I really like it. Perhaps you could also get a copy for yourself to read since she'd like to discuss her gifts afterwards? You can talk about your quest to find her a book she'd love and how it felt adding another book to your list, as well as what you thought of the book and if it made you cry too. I think buying her a book is a lovely idea! Good luck on your search.