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YossarianWasntWrong t1_j2906bm wrote

Are you just talking about books in a second language? Somewhere between B1 and B2 you can start reading "normal" books in a second language... I started reading the first harry potter in english as a 12 year old, after 3 or 4 years learning it in public school...

Currently I'm trying to learn german and I admit its a bit up hill reading books when I'm only slightly above B2, but practice makes perfect. And while it currently sucks, I'm sure its going to be worth it in a few years :)


Cautious-Bid-8117 OP t1_j29buh4 wrote

By bilingual book I meant a book in two languages which is composed by the original version of the text and its traduction in another language. Parallel text book for exemple :) It allows the texts to be compared by the reader

If you already read one these questions are for you !

Good luck in your learning of German ;)


rysworld t1_j2btbty wrote

I believe you are looking for the word "translation". "Traduction" is not a word in English, even though that works for most French words with the suffix -tion.

No disrespect meant, I just always find myself wishing people would correct me more when I made mistakes in my second languages.