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gingr87 t1_j1qg2eo wrote

Jeffrey Eugenides is my all-time favourite author. If you enjoyed the style of his writing then definitely check out his other books, The Virgin Suicides, and The Marriage Plot. They are perfection.


AutumnEclipsed t1_j1r961d wrote

The Marriage Plot was a big let down for me. The writing was still good like his other books, but the plot and characters weren’t as complex or interesting as in his other books. I felt detached from the story the whole time. I was waiting patiently for this book to come out since I had reread Middlesex and Virgin Suicides a few times too.


Heybitchitsme t1_j1rhr6s wrote

I agree - I love Middlesex and The Virgin Suicides but Marriage* Plot just didn't click with me. I didn't even finish it, which was disappointing because I was so excited about it. I'm glad I started his work with TVS.


gingr87 t1_j1rk5gs wrote

The Marriage Plot is actually my favourite of the three. It just felt so deliciously melancholy. Books/movies that make me feel kind of morose are my favourites.


Odd_Bibliophile t1_j1qwxmg wrote

Maybe I'm biased because he is one of my favourite authors as well, but I think his collection of short stories, Fresh Complaint, is also extremely well written.


gingr87 t1_j1r235c wrote

It is for sure. I'm just definitely more about the full-length stories.