Submitted by CornerOk5337 t3_zzflcd in books


I have been wanting to buy some new series for my personal library lately, but I have noticed that I usually read the first book (from the library or preview online) and then get the series because I assume that the others will be of the same quality. I was wondering when you decide to purchase the entire book series (if it has already been completed)? I am interested in hearing your thoughts and opinions on the matter.

Thank you for your responses!



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keesouth t1_j2bdxj0 wrote

I don't buy the complete series at once. I do like to wait until the series has been finished because I've spent decades waiting for a new book to come out. But I buy the books one at a time just in case the later ones aren't as good as the first then I can just stop reading them and not have the rest of the series they're sitting on my shelf.


TywinShitsGold t1_j2bbrcf wrote

I don’t - moving books is such a pain in the ass. My physical book collection trends to shelf pieces and I end up reading them as ebooks.


solarmelange t1_j2bbuek wrote

I like to do a lot of research and then buy the book outright. I mostly read standalone novels even though my favorite two genres are sci-fi and fantasy. Also, I am a slow reader. The only times I will buy multiple books at once is when not doing so will cause me to not get a matching set of books. I much prefer hardbacks or at least trade paperback over paperback copies.

Also, I tend to give books away when done with them. I don't want a huge collection of books for when I move.


StepfordMisfit t1_j2bcxl6 wrote

I won't buy a whole series unless I've read them all and loved them. I've been disappointed too many times.


KiwiTheKitty t1_j2biqv6 wrote

I will buy them as I read them, not all at once


minimalist_coach t1_j2c35i5 wrote

I rarely buy the whole series at one time, but I also set a rule of not buying a book until I'm ready to read it. I almost did with the Wheel of Time series because the library waitlist for the books was months long, I'm so glad I didn't because I quit after book 4 of I think 20.


20above t1_j2cjy53 wrote

I have the bad habit of being a completist and will buy the whole thing before I even read the first book. Some series that I’m not as sure about I may get as ebooks as they go on sale.


IndigoTrailsToo t1_j2batyc wrote

Yes, that's exactly how I do it

Unless I hear otherwise, and then I will take a chance on the next book and see if it's better.


rekushiiii t1_j2bqdj1 wrote

When it comes to series-- especially long ones-- I tend to buy the first 2-3 books at a time. Once I get past about book 4 is typically when I decide whether or not I want to purchase the entire series. And when the quality of the sequels are just as good as the first? Then hands down I'm buying as many at a time as I can afford (I've only done this maybe 2-3 times).


NickDorris t1_j2c3uq8 wrote

With the advent of ebooks and online shopping I buy books as I read them.

In the old days when I had to physically go to the book store I bought entire series at once (and occasionally regretted it).


Turn-Loose-The-Swans t1_j2cvpfv wrote

I'm quite dumb and I tend to buy whole series in one go based on recommendations from random people I don't know. I most recently did this with Cixin Liu's Three Body Problem trilogy. I felt quite the fool midway through the first book, groaning and tutting at page after page of utter dross, knowing I had two more to go through.


twilightsagawebcomic t1_j2dkpp7 wrote

I am kind of weird and am averse to owning a book unless (1) I know I will be rereading it often or (2) I have not read it yet and know I will donate it after I finish reading it.

Otherwise, I like to support the local library and read there.


traditionn t1_j2e06dj wrote

I have never once bought an entire series prior to reading it. I rarely even buy two books in a series at once, unless I thought the previous books were exceptionally done and I wanted the whole thing - usually happens with a really good first book of trilogies. Recently that has been me buying the #2 & #3 of The Poppy War trilogy and the Masquerade trilogy.


junglelala t1_j2efv05 wrote

I buy as I get to each book in the series.

Except for Discworld. If I'm reading a series that's 40 books long and I've enjoyed 10 of them, I'll buy them up quickly to make sure they all match on my shelves. Usually when there's a big sale.

I tend to prefer ebooks now though. Cheap/free and doesn't require effort to move. If I LOVE a series I might purchase the print copies after (did this with The Witcher).


Ineffable7980x t1_j2eqlmt wrote

I buy them as I read them, this way if I decide to stop, I'm not stuck with the rest of the books I'll never read


A_warm_sunny_day t1_j2eynr6 wrote

I have historically always read the entire series before purchasing.

Basically a safeguard against buying a whole series because the first book or books were good, but then being disappointed later if the series runs out of steam.