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RickMacd1913 t1_j1mmh3p wrote

I’ve read mountains of King and continuity errors are not at all uncommon. Sometimes I can fit them nicely in to head cannon, and some times you just have to ignore. Looks like you’re already working this out!


Varun_shiroyasha OP t1_j1mnhw9 wrote

Yes, that's the only way when you can't find a incontrovertible answer.


MarcoPolocompi t1_j1mp0sw wrote

Haven't been reading any Stephen King lately but seem to remember a few of his books being confusing/ having plot holes as well.

Not exactly sure why but I am going to assume it's cause the 80's ( and other decades possibly )were a pretty wild ride for him 😬


crazyike t1_j1ovpnb wrote

Yeah they do pop up from time to time. I remember two from It I always wanted to ask him about. At one spot it is suggested that Vic will come and talk to Bill alone. The context makes it certain it was supposed to happen very late (maybe post rock fight), but in the finished version it never happened. The other was a suggestion there would be more about Peter Gordon, but he completely disappears from the story after the aforementioned rock fight.

It's pretty easy to have happen. These sort of inconsistencies are only ever noticed on rereads.


RickMacd1913 t1_j1p0g1v wrote

There is also a passage in IT during the Eddie Corchran interlude where he refers to Bev’s step father, who is later confirmed to be her biological father.