Submitted by Ryleebirdee t3_zzz163 in books

Rant: I feel like I just wasted 15 hours of my life reading this book. What was the point? Hated the main character and only finished it because of Reva. Then Reva just dies at the end? Cool

Why even write a book like this in todays age? Is the author implying that everyone experiencing depression should just quit their jobs, misuse drugs and sleep for a whole year? To become magically better? That’s really practical and inspiring. Let me go do that real quick.

Idk. Someone change me mind. People that liked this book, tell me why? I am missing something here?



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0_0moon0_0 t1_j2eg4mr wrote

I’ve read this book 2 days ago, and cannot recall anything from it. It didn’t leave anything with me… which is sad for a book that deals with depression. I don’t know why, something didn’t sit right with me about it.


Ryleebirdee OP t1_j2eh0s2 wrote

Right! I don’t understand why this book was so hyped up? Sure, it was a quick read but mainly because it was so bizarre that the main character was such a wreck.

Logically, the book doesn’t even make sense. How can someone go 6 months only drinking water every 3 days? Wouldn’t you, idk, die? Lol

Also her drug use is wild. I’m really surprised she didn’t overdose.

The only thing I can get from this book is, don’t take your loved ones for granted. She obviously took Reva for granted, then she dies.


bluebelle236 t1_j2eie6p wrote

I DNFd this book, it was so bad. And it really pains me to DNF a book.


Nizamark t1_j2ek0ei wrote

didn’t love this one.

however her latest, lapvona, is a masterpiece


Ryleebirdee OP t1_j2enwjo wrote

If my DNF you mean “did not finish” than don’t worry. You really didn’t miss anything. I was so tempted to stop reading it as well. But I was holding out thinking something will come of it…but nope


Ryleebirdee OP t1_j2ep9sp wrote

If anything, this book made me kinda ~depressed~ and I say that very loosely. Seeing how bad the main character got was just upsetting, especially if you are someone who struggles yourself. Hence why I was so tempted to stop reading it hahaha but I sadly assumed there would be a “breakthrough” moment for both the MC and my own mental sake


heylookatmywatch t1_j2f2usl wrote

This is one of my all-time favorites but I absolutely recognize it's not for everyone. I love Moshfegh's darkly hilarious insight into a pathological mind. I felt a thrill of delight on the very first page that never let up. I love all her books that are in this same vein; I actually disliked Lapvona because it had a shifting perspective and never really buried you inside a single character's insanity.


Primary-Initiative52 t1_j2f30n9 wrote

I read the book summer 2021 and really enjoyed it. First, I was just LMAO about how casually our main character was popping sleep-inducing drugs. Then that crazy "doctor" that she found, I also found hilarious. Deeper than that though...our main character is traumatized. Yes she is pretty, rich, privileged...and she acknowledges that and uses it...that's how she's able to quit her job and sleep (well, sort of) for a year. I surely don't think the author is recommending this as a course of treatment for depression at all...the author wrote a book of fiction.


Ryleebirdee OP t1_j2f4qgx wrote

Oh yes for sure. It’s definitely not intended for a treatment of any sort. I just found it a hard read and triggering.

Edit: Maybe I should just take it more lighty though and perhaps I would have found it more comical and enjoyable bc as you point out, it’s just a fiction book. Good point!


louvreletters t1_j2fgtpd wrote

the books is not a novel it’s a sketch, it’s a description. there’s no plot. all it does is establish an aesthetic and i don’t understand the hype. people probably like it because they dream of sleeping away their problems too but the book isn’t even well written (which is sad because i think moshfegh is a great writer)


tolkienfan2759 t1_j2fwlnd wrote

"Research shows that meditation can reduce insomnia in lab rats." - priceless

(Not a precise quote, it's just how I remember it.)


tolkienfan2759 t1_j2fx7aw wrote

I actually didn't like it either.

"The clue to the book's [MYORAR] essential falsity is the fact that it IS powerfully engaging. The ending was quite a letdown - if I'd been a bit more alert I would have seen it coming 150 pages off - but even if I'd known, I might have read the whole thing anyway. The author is trying to simulate someone who can't take it anymore, this world of ours, but she describes that same world so well that it's clear she loves it well. Which makes the book nothing but a bad update of Catcher in the Rye, a book I've hated ever since I discovered that it's about a guy who spent three days in New York City and had NO FUN while he was there. I'm sorry, I've lived in NYC and it's WONDERFUL. There are people there who have no fun, but they are creatures without imagination. They don't read; they don't go to shows; they don't notice what goes on around them; it would be senseless to make one the protagonist of a novel. "